Pure Truth Bible Church

 22740 Plymouth Road *  Detroit, MI * 48239 * 1-313-693-4313 or 1-248-571-6118 (c) * PureTruthBibleChurch@gmail.com

Pure Truth Bible Church

in Study
(Basic Bible Library & Tips for Everyone)

I have documented several biblical aids to help you grow spiritually and to build your spiritual library. I care about you and your spiritual health. As you scroll down this page please take time to read these lists carefully prepared with you in mind. I pray you will build your biblical library with these books. Every Christian should have their own library of books to aid in spiritual growth and strengthen their walk with the Lord. 
Pastor Fletcher L. Flennoy Jr.

 Study to show thyself approved under God... (2 Timothy 2:15)

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   PTBC Study Corner

PTBC cares about your spiritual growth. Sharpen your Sword. Please use these tools to assist your study of the Bible.

I.     Bible Commentaries 

        A commentary is someone's written comments on an entire book of the Bible,

        verse by verse and chapter  by chapter.

                                             1. New Bible Commentary 21st Century Edition

                                             2. Wycliffe Bible Commentary

II.    Bible Dictionaries

       A wealth of biblical definitions. It is one of the most valuable tools to the student of God's Word.

              1. Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary

2. The New Bible Dictionary
             3. The New Unger's Bible Dictionary

III. Bible Handbook 

      A general survey of 66 books of the Bible, briefly summarizing the contents of each chapter.   

 1. Halley's Handbook
        2. MacArthur's Handbook
         3. New Unger's Handbook

IV. Study Bibles

     A good study Bible contains:1. A cross reference system  2. A partial concordance 3. An introduction to each book  4. A set of Bible maps 5. Marginal notes,

          Common Bible Versions

                                                                1. ESV Study Bible

                                                                                     2. KJV Study Bible

                                                                    3. Life Application Bible

                                                                4. Mac Arthur Study Bible 

                                                                5. NIV Study Bible (Zondervan)                        
                                                                6. NKJV Study Bible   
                                                                7. Thompson Chain-Reference Bible              


                 V. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance                  

      An alphabetical index of the words found in the Bible, listed in their context (the sentence in which they are found). It helps to locate verses and studying a word.

VI. Webster - English Dictionary

    Provides American Definitions of the English Language


         NOTE: Some of the books suggested are published in several different versions. See below:

                                                  1. New Open Bible - KJV, NASB, NKJV

                                                  2. Thompson chain-Reference Bible - KJV, NIV, NASB, NKJV

                                                  3. Life Application Bible - KJV, LB, NIV, NKJV, NRSV

                                                  4. MacArthur Study Bible - NKJV, NASB, ESV

                                             VII.  Online Websites Worth Seeing
                                                  1.Online Bible Suggestions:

                                                      i.BibleGateway: https://www.biblegateway.com/

                                                     ii.Bible Hub: http//www.biblehub.com/

                                                 2. GodTube: http://www.Godtube.com/  Christian videos, devotionals 

                                                     & Christian artists.
                                                 3.Christian Online Magazine: http://christianitytoday.com/

                                                 4.Online Ministries:

                                                     i. InTouch - Dr. Charles Stanley - http//www.intouch.org/   

                                                    ii. The Urban Alternative - Dr. Tony Evans


                                                   iii. Turning Point - Dr. David Jeremiah - 


                                                   iv. Grace To You - Dr. John MacArthur - https://www.gty.org/

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