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Sunday Services
10:00 a.m.
* * *
Wednesday Bible Study
6:30 p.m.
ABC's of Salvation ~~~ Where will you spend eternity? Check out:
Visit This Week in the WORD on our FACEBOOK page (Daily Scriptures selected with you in mind)
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COVID-19 Changes to Our Worship Service
Due to COVID-19, we experienced changes to our service.
1. We wear masks – There are disposable masks available for those that may need one.
2. Practice Social Distancing – Family members of the same household can sit together otherwise please place 12 feet between you and the next person or family. We have remove several seats from the sanctuary to support social distancing.
3. We have gloves available for those desiring gloves.
4. We have hand sanitizer available.
Before attending service please ask yourself the following questions:
1. Have you received a confirmed diagnosis for COVID-19 within the past 14 days?
2. Have you had close contact with or cared for someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
3. Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symtons in the last 14 days.
If you answer any of the above questions ‘Yes’, then please consider the safety of others and stay home to get well.
Let's reach back and teach the next generation about our faith. There is nothing comparable to our God, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Pure Truth Bible Church
Stay Safe & Sanitized!
Following CDC Guidelines
(see additional details below)
Welcome to the Pure Truth Bible Church (PTBC). At this site you will find nothing more and nothing less than the Pure Truth as encouraged by God's inspired writings, the Holy Bible. Please take time to explore our site and listen to Pastor Flennoy's Sermons & Bible Teachings. May it be a blessing to you. We, here at PTBC would love for you to visit us. Let us worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ together.
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NEW: A link to Pastor's Sermons on YouTube have been added to our site. See under 'MEDIA' tab.
22740 Plymouth Road * Detroit, MI * 48239 * 1-313-693-4313 or 1-248-571-6118 (c) *
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