Pastor Fletcher L. Flennoy Jr. was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He was educated in the Detroit Public School system and graduated from Cooley High School.  Pastor Flennoy went on to attend Fisk University in Nashville,

Tennessee for 2 years where he majored in Chemistry with the intent of going to medical school.  During his sophomore year of college Pastor Flennoy began to feel there was something much more needed and necessary in his life.
    Meanwhile Pastor Flennoy returned home and began to visit New Mt. Vernon M.B.C.  with his aunt. God began to

deal with Pastor Flennoy more intently. God used a sermon entitled "Thou Fool" by Pastor John L. Webb to save him on May 17, 1981.  He returned to school, attending Wayne State University, in September 1981, where he also majored in Chemistry. As Pastor Flennoy prepared steps in his life to become a medical doctor, God was preparing his steps into the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    Pastor Flennoy switched majors and graduated from Wayne State University with a B.S. in Psychology. He applied to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. There he was accepted and graduated with a Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) in June 1990. 
Pastor Flennoy returned to the Detroit area and became Assistant Pastor of Elim Baptist Church under Pastor Charles Oliver. He was Assistant Pastor for nearly 25 years.

    God has used Pastor Flennoy in service as Interim Pastor of New Mt. Vernon M.B.C. as well as the Interim Pastor of Elim Baptist Church. In both positions he serviced the saints through preaching, teaching, counseling, administering the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper and officiating funerals and weddings along with other pastoral responsibilities.
    In obedience to our Gracious and Loving Father Pastor Fletcher L. Flennoy Jr. responded to his calling to begin a ministry that preaches, teaches and models the 'pure truth' of the Bible as written and inspired by our God.


    Pastor Flennoy married his beautiful wife Regina in July of 1993. They have one son, Fletcher L. Flennoy III. Pastor's family is extremely supportive. They both love the Lord and PTBC.


We are excited about God's ministry, PTBC! 

    Pastor Fletcher L. Flennoy Jr.


Pure Truth Bible Church

 22740 Plymouth Road *  Detroit, MI * 48239 * 1-313-693-4313 or 1-248-571-6118 (c) *

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